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Senior Spotlight: Victoria Bliss, violin

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Senior Spotlight: Victoria Bliss, violin

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My name is Victoria Bliss and I am homeschooled. I have played violin in AYSO for one year.

One of my favorite musical memories is when I saw my favorite famous violinist, Hilary Hahn in concert with the NSO. She played the Mendelssohn violin concerto and it was quite inspiring. It was special to me because I have looked up to her since I first started studying Suzuki violin when I was 4 years old and I never dreamed that I would see her in concert one day and meet her afterwards. 

My advice for young musicians is: Always persevere. You will never look back and think to yourself, “Oops, I practiced too much!”

After I graduate, I am going to major in Music Education, in hopes of running my own private violin studio some day.