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Senior Spotlight: Katie Huszcza, cello

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Senior Spotlight: Katie Huszcza, cello

Guest User


School: Charles J. Colgan High School

What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

AYP, 2017-2018


Your favorite/most memorable musical memory?

My most memorable musical memory was playing in the side-by-side with the NSO. It was so inspiring to play with such amazing musicians and experience what it’s like to play in the NSO. The effortless beauty in the sound I was able to hear was mesmerizing and an experience I will never forget. 


What musician inspires you and why?

My teacher, David Hardy, inspires me most because of his endless knowledge and passion for music that he is able to share with me every week at our lessons. It’s been such an honor to learn from him and call him not only my teacher but also my mentor. It’s also been an unique experience learning some of the cello’s best repertoire and hearing Mr. Hardy tell first hand stories of what it was like to work with Rostropovich. I’ve absolutely enjoyed every moment of my time studying with David Hardy.


Advice for young musicians

My best advice would be to love what you do and enjoy every second of it. Life’s too short to not being doing what you love. When you love making music, it will show through and your audience will feel it too. If you plan to pursue a career in music and you have that passion for creating or performing music, then you truly will never work a day in your life.


What do you hope to do after graduation?

I will be majoring in Cello Performance at James Madison University next fall.  Ultimately, I hope to pursue a career playing professionally after college.