Three Guest Conductors to Lead AYSO during 2017-2018 season — American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras

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Three Guest Conductors to Lead AYSO during 2017-2018 season

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AYPO announces the appointment of three guest conductors - Nell Flanders, John Devlin, and Glenn Quader - to lead the American Youth Symphonic Orchestra during the 2017-2018 season. 

Nell Flanders’ conducting credits include performances with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Mannes Orchestra at Alice Tully Hall, Secret Opera Company, Peabody Symphony, the Riverside Orchestra, and the Chelsea Symphony, with whom she starts as a staff conductor in September 2017. She has served as cover conductor for the Buffalo Philharmonic and assistant conductor of the Peabody Opera program and the Stamford Young Artists Philharmonic. Ms. Flanders will lead AYSO on their opening concert (November 19, 2017) with Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain and Borodin's Symphony No. 2. 

John Devlin is the Cover Conductor for the National Symphony Orchestra. In addition to his work with the NSO, he is the Assistant Conductor of the Princeton Symphony Orchestra, and the Artistic Director and Conductor of Gourmet Symphony. An active conductor of high school and collegiate ensembles, Devlin previously served as the Music Director of the McLean Youth Orchestra and the Youth Orchestras of Prince William. Mr. Devlin will conduct AYSO on their February 25, 2018 concert with works by Brahms, Smetana and Tchaikovsky.

A native of Washington, DC, Glenn Quader returns to AYPO having previously served as conductor of the Concert Orchestra from 2014-2016.  Mr. Quader’s most recent professional appointments include Conductor of the Piedmont Symphony, Music Director of the Frederick Symphony Orchestra, and Conductor for the Maryland Lyric Opera. Mr. Quader will lead AYSO on their final concert of the year on May 20, 2018.

To read more about the AYSO guest conductors, please visit