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SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Calvin Zubaly, viola

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SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Calvin Zubaly, viola

Guest User


School: Falls Church High School


What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

This is my first year in AYSO


Your favorite/most memorable musical memory?

During my Junior year of high school, the music department at my school went to Disney World for our spring trip. While there, I got to play music with members of the music department that I do not often get the opportunity to perform alongside, and I grew very close with a few of my current closest friends. The experience was absolutely the highlight of my junior year and stands out as one of the most fun vacations I have ever taken.


What musician inspires you and why?

Rhiannon Giddens inspires me because she writes and plays the kind of music that she loves to perform.


Advice for young musicians:

If you have any desire to play music, take it and run. The experiences you have as a musician change you as a person for the better.


What do you hope to do after graduation?

I hope to study at George Mason University in the honors college with a major in music education with the possibility of additional studies of some sort in mathematics and/or physical science.