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Recent News

Senior Spotlight: Sabrina Ramirez, violin

Guest User


School: Falls Church High School


What AYPO ensembles have you played in and for how long?

I played in AYSE for 1 year and AYCO for 2 years.  This is my second year in AYSO.


Your favorite musical memory:

My favorite memory was when my middle school orchestra went to VMEA.  It was a great honor to all of us at Luther Jackson Middle School, and our amazing teacher made the hours and hours of practicing enjoyable.


What musician inspires you?

The musician that inspires me the most is my middle school teacher, Ms. Phaedra Long. She taught me that playing music comes from the heart, and to always strive to play your best.  


Advice for young musicians:

Practice hard and never give up. Hard work will definitely pay off!


What do you hope to do after graduation?

I plan to major in Engineering with minors in Music and Japanese at George Mason University.