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Summer Mentors

Summer String Academy - mentors

During the String Academy, mentors participate in a side-by-side ensemble, provide one-on-one private music instruction, coach sectionals and assist with music literacy instruction. Other duties that may be required include set-up, logistical management and clean-up. At the conclusion of each day mentors will receive support and instruction in music education from Laura Cahn Wallace. 

AYPO Summer String Academy mentors meet daily from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM during the camp week at Providence Presbyterian Church. Mentors may volunteer to perform in a Mentor Showcase Recital.

Apply to Mentor

Mentors should fill out the application below by Thursday, May 1st. Mentors will be selected for interviews with Ms. Wallace in May 2025, and notified by administrative staff of their acceptance as a mentor in early June 2025.