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Miranda Martin

Miranda Southwood
Executive Director

Miranda Southwood joined AYPO in late 2018 after graduating with an M.B.A. and M.A. in Arts Administration from the University of Cincinnati, Carl H. Lindner College of Business and College-Conservatory of Music. Raised in a musical family, she studied with the Louisville Youth Orchestra for nearly a decade, and continued her violin studies for over 16 years. She also holds a B.M. in Violin Performance and a B.A. in Arts Administration from the University of Kentucky, School of Music. Miranda has worked with the National Symphony Orchestra, Aspen Music Festival and School, Prague Summer Nights Music Festival, Lexington Philharmonic, Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, University of Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, and UC College-Conservatory of Music in operations, production, artist management, and developmental roles.

Since joining AYPO, Miranda has managed all Senior Division Orchestras and both Chamber Ensemble programs as General Manager. She has also redeveloped the organization’s financial procedures and reporting as well as implemented new policies to fine tune our administrative operations in her role as Director of Finance & Operations. As Executive Director, Miranda has worked to innovate AYPO’s technological approaches by enhancing software platforms utilized by the administrative office, as well as expanding the administrative team in order to make a bigger impact as the leading Northern Virginia youth orchestra.