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Mary Kunkemueller

Mary Kunkemueller
Operations & Community Engagement Manager

Mary Kunkemueller joined AYPO in the fall of 2024.  She is an alumni parent; her daughter Muriel was a member from 2018-2022. Mary served on the Langley High School Band Parents Association board from 2014-2022 including several years as its President.  She also sat on the Cooper Middle School Band Parent Association from 2016-2019.  Mary has volunteered at Langley High School PTSA, Cooper MS PTO, Girl Scouts and local swimming associations.  Mary has a Bachelors in History from Haverford College and a Master's in Modern European History from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Mary currently manages the String Ensemble, Debut Orchestra, Prelude Strings, Music Buddies, and Summer Music Academies.