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Alexandra Stenseth

Alexandra Stenseth
Operations Manager

Alexandra Stenseth is an alumna of AYPO and returned in 2023 as the Orchestra Manager. Alex has over 12 years of performance experience with orchestras, wind symphonies, marching bands, choirs, and drum corps. She holds a B.M. in Music Industry on Double Bass from James Madison University. While at JMU, Alex worked as a student worker in the School of Music office as well as a personnel manager for the 500+ member Marching Royal Dukes. Since graduating, Alex has been a bass coach with Fairfax County Public Schools as well as an adjudicator for VBODA Solo and Ensemble. She was most recently an Assistant Director at Bach to Rock in South Riding. Since 2021, Alex continues to direct George C. Marshall high school’s award-winning colorguard and winterguard programs.

At AYPO, Alex serves as the manager for the Symphonic Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, and both Chamber Ensemble Programs, along with the Clarinet, Flute, & Harp Ensembles. Through her ties to the wider music community and AYPO alumni, Alex works to increase AYPO’s local footprint in providing engaging opportunities for our musicians and the residents of Fairfax County. Alex’s efficiency and consistently positive attitude make a lighthearted impact on AYPO’s administrative team.