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AYP in Concert

24-25 Season

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AYP in Concert

  • Hylton Performing Arts Center 10960 George Mason Circle Manassas, VA, 20109 United States (map)

American Youth Philharmonic in Concert
Dr. Timothy Dixon, AYP Conductor

Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky, arr. Ravel
Introduction. Promenade
I. Gnomus (The Gnome)
II. Il Vecchio (The Old Castle)
III. Tulleries
IV. Bydlo
V. Ballet of Little Chicks in their Shells
VI. Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuÿle
VII. Limoges
VIII. Catacombae (Catacombs) - Cum mortius in lingua mortua (With the dead in a dead language)
IX. Baba Yaga - The Hut on hen’s Legs
X. The Great Gate of Kiev
Three Black Kings by Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington
III. Martin Luther King
Come Sunday by Omar Thomas, orch. Urie (Regional Premiere!)

Later Event: January 26
AYPS & AYCO in Concert